SaaS Pricing Bullshit Bingo

Only the first year's revenue is genuinely "locked in". Post that, clients often have the freedom to walk away.

Clients often have the freedom to walk away

Beyond Year One Commitments - Companies are increasingly securing multi-year agreements with their enterprise partners. While these deals showcase impressive ARR growth on paper, there's a twist – only the first year's revenue is genuinely "locked in". Post that, clients often have the freedom to walk away.

The model is double-edged

This model is double-edged. On one hand, it gifts clients unprecedented flexibility, potentially boosting initial buy-in. On the flip side, these contracts paint an uncertain future beyond the first year. Remember the last downturn where several CFOs aggressively renegotiated contract deals to optimize costs? It's a similar scenario here.

Real success for SaaS companies lies in user engagement

I believe real success for SaaS companies lies in user engagement – that’s the true marker of value. In light of this, should sales incentives pivot from contract value to actual usage? Gone are the days of sell-it-and-forget-it. The future is about developing lasting partnerships and aligning sales incentives with genuine customer success.
